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Mushaf Al-Qur'an Kuno Rasm Usmani Asal Aceh

Manuskrip Al-Qur’an, berasal dari Aceh, masih lengkap 30 juz. Cover terbuat dari bahan kain semacam sarung, motif kotak-kotak, menggunakan kertas Eropa. Ditulis menggunakan Rasm Utsmani meskipun dalam beberapa kalimat tidak secara konsisten kaidah rasm Utsmani, terutama pada isbat Alif. Terdapat illuminasi khas Aceh pada bagian awal mushaf, Tengah, dan akhir. Dibeli dari masyarakat Aceh tahun 2019.

A Quranic manuscript (handwritten mushaf) from Aceh that is complete 70 juz. The cover is made of sarong-like fabric material with squares grid pattern. It’s copied on European paper and written in Rasm Utsmani script, although in some parts it doesn’t follow the Rasm Utsmani rules, particularly in the writing of the isbat alif. There are Aceh-style illuminations in the beginning, the middle, and the end of the manuscript. This collection was purchased from Acehnese society in 2019.

Kode koleksi: BQMI.1.1.30

Mushaf Al-Qur'an Kuno Rasm Usmani Asal Aceh
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